Beach Volleyball Court at RipJack Inn!

Outdoor sand volleyball court with net.

At RipJack Inn, we’re always looking for ways to elevate your beachside experience, and we’re thrilled to announce the newest addition to our lineup of activities—beach volleyball! Whether you’re an experienced player or just looking to have some fun in the sun, beach volleyball offers the perfect blend of fitness, friendly competition, and coastal relaxation. … Lee mas

Independence Day in Costa Rica

Costa Rica Independence Day RipJack inn

Independence Day in Costa Rica: A Celebration of Freedom and Tradition Costa Rica’s Independence Day, celebrated on September 15, is a significant event that unites the country in a display of national pride, history, and culture. It commemorates the day in 1821 when Costa Rica, along with other Central American nations, gained independence from Spanish … Lee mas

5 Reasons Digital Nomads Love RipJack Inn

Person working on laptop by the beach.

In today’s world, more people are embracing the freedom to work remotely, and finding the right place to balance work and relaxation is essential. If you’re a digital nomad looking for the perfect spot to stay productive while enjoying the beauty of Costa Rica, RipJack Inn in Playa Grande offers everything you need. From reliable … Lee mas

Cinco razones por las cuales el RipJack Inn es un lugar de bodas increíble

¿Sueña con una boda de destino en Costa Rica? Si bien hay muchos lugares y lugares diferentes para elegir, el RipJack Inn podría ser el lugar perfecto para su boda. Este encantador hotel boutique frente a la playa se ha convertido en un destino popular para bodas en los últimos años, y creemos que hemos ... Lee mas

Playa Grande: una de las mejores playas del mundo

Playa Grande Costa Rica

¿Busca un destino de viaje tranquilo y fuera de lo común para sus próximas vacaciones? Bienvenidos a Playa Grande, Costa Rica. Sin duda, una de las playas más hermosas que jamás visitará. Durante la marea baja, hay kilómetros de playa de arena blanca para explorar y aguas cálidas y suaves para nadar. Durante la marea alta… Lee mas

Aquí, ahora, juntos: un tiempo para la reflexión y la introspección

In the wake of all the current uncertainty and chaotic energy that is buzzing around the world, it is easy to become consumed in the negative.  Between the ever-increasing contamination rates, fast-changing decrees that prohibit some of the freedoms we’ve taken for granted (i.e., surfing, buying brews, social gatherings in public places, community yoga classes), … Lee mas

Dónde ver tortugas marinas en Costa Rica

There are seven species of sea turtles—green, hawksbill, loggerhead, olive ridley, Kemp’s ridley, flatback, and leatherback—that live a life adrift in the tropical oceans. Six of those seven species are endangered, and five of those seven species depend on the waters around Costa Rica. There are also a few very special beaches on both the … Lee mas
