Costa Rica agrega Ohio a la lista aprobada para el turismo.

A partir del 1 de octubre, los turistas de California y ahora de Ohio podrán ingresar al país de Costa Rica siempre que cumplan con todos los requisitos adicionales. La lista completa de estados de EE. UU. Incluye: Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Maine Maryland Michigan Massachusetts Nueva Hampshire Nueva Jersey Nuevo México Nueva York Oregón Pensilvania Rhode ... Lee mas

Costa Rica reabre fronteras a EE. UU.

playa grande costa rica

On August 19th Costa Rica announced that on September 1st entry will be permitted for tourists from six states. New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Connecticut. Here is what you need to know about the entry requirements. Passengers must have a current driver’s license from one of the six states. Tourists must … Lee mas
