Se levantaron las restricciones de viaje para todos los estados de EE. UU.

The government of Costa Rica announced that is is reopening its borders to all of the states in the US starting on November 1st, 2020.  Costa Rica has been allowing entry to a small list of approved states since September 1st.  It has been determined by the health officials that reopening tourism in a responsible way will not over burden the health system in the country.  Not one tourist has had any complications due to COVID 19.

There are still requirements for entering the country that include the following:

  1. Los turistas deben mostrar prueba de una prueba de PCR negativa para el coronavirus. La muestra para la prueba debe haber sido tomada no más de 72 horas antes del vuelo a Costa Rica.
  2. Toda persona que ingrese a Costa Rica debe completar el formulario epidemiológico “Health Pass” en línea:
  3. A travel insurance policy covering the tourist for COVID-19 during their time in Costa Rica (see below).

The tourist must have certification from the policy issuer (in English or Spanish) confirming the following:

  1. Validity of the policy during the visit to Costa Rica.
  2. Guarantee that it covers medical expenses in cases of COVID-19 in Costa Rica, for at least $50,000 (Fifty Thousand United States dollars).
  3. That it includes a minimum coverage of $2,000 for expenses of extended lodging due to the pandemic.

If you do not have such policy you may purchase one from an approved company for between $10 – $12 per day.  To find out more specific information please visit the INS website or you can also visit the Sagicor website to review the best option for you.

Haga clic aquí para conocer protocolos de seguridad en RipJack Inn

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